Flamenco, Street Style in Seville…………………………….

On my recent visit to Seville in Southern Spain I spent many happy hours wandering the streets of the city as well as those in Cadiz, Cordoba and Jerez de la Frontera. With trusty Pentax K50 camera (with 18 – 250 Sigma lens) in hand I set about shooting all the things that interested me.

My favourite photographs from my visit were the ones I took late one afternoon in Seville and near the cathedral. In a square there was a camera crew shooting a video featuring a young woman who was dancing traditional flamenco. It was a bit of a stop, start affair as the cameraman kept asking for certain moves to be repeated.

The young lady in question looked absolutely stunning in her long black dress as she practiced her dance moves. I tried to get up close to try and take some photographs but was warned off by one of the “minders” for the shoot. However, as more and more people got out their phones to take photographs I think he just gave up, so I was able to get reasonably close to get some shots.

I have no idea what the video was about but it did feature quite a number of Japanese participants, so perhaps it was to advertise something back in Japan e.g. more tourism, although I have to say there was no shortage of Japanese tourists in the city whilst I was there.

I hope the photographs posted capture the spectacular dancing and also the stunning dress.

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Photographs (C) Kindadukish 2018


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