A grey day in the Lakes……not to mention the two RAF Tornado jets!

Paid a flying visit to the Lake District yesterday and was greeted by grey skies, very low cloud and pretty poor light. Nevertheless, even in such poor conditions it is still difficult not to be impressed by the majesty of the fells and beautiful countryside, even in the depths of winter.

After stopping off in Keswick for a quick coffee at the Merienda cafe (excellent coffee and flapjack) did a trip down to the south end of Derwentwater and then hacked across several fields to the “Chinese Bridge”…………but have to admit was severely underwhelmed by the structure. This was countered by the stunning views looking northward along the lake, wonderful colours even on this grey day.

Returned home via Buttermere and a trip over the A5289 which offers astonishing views from the summit. It was very quiet, unlike last time I drove up this way in summer when it seemed half the UK had decided to visit the Lakes.


As I started the descent into the valley I saw what I thought were car headlights in the distance, as I watched them they seemed to moving at a rather rapid speed which seemed very unusual. Seconds later I realised why they were moving at such a speed as two RAF Tornado aircraft came down the valley, wings vertical, low level and obviously on a training flight. Its nice to know that they are keeping their “hand in” and could respond immediately if called upon.

If you have never visited the Lakes then put it on your list of “must do” at some time in your life. Below are some of the photographs I took on my trip.












Photographs (c) Kindadukish 2017

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